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12 Sep, 2024
All the benefits of the Aloe Vera plant in a tube always at hand
Auckland, AUK
- 28
All the benefits of the Aloe Vera plant in a tube always at hand
Aloe Vera Gelly:
Aloe vera is a powerful plant that has been revered for centuries to aid in the soothing of minor skin irritations. Essentially identical to the inner leaf of the aloe vera plant, this 100% stabilized aloe vera gel soothes and lubricates delicate skin. For temporary relief from minor skin irritations, this product is
ideal for your bathroom as well as your first-aid kit.
international online shop from Forever Living Products: (this link is clickable if you go on the orange PURCHASE button)
WhatsApp contact with Martina Hahn, FBO Forever since 2002: